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Return to Patriot Memorial Garden home
* indicates memorial brick in the garden
Lane, William I
Langdon, Noah Lantz Sr, Christian Larrabee, Richard Larrabee, Richard Lassley, John* Lawton, William Lee, Ephraim |
Lesh, Balthazar
Locke, Ruth X Locke, Abraham Lockwood, Joseph Look, Daniel Lord, Abraham Luke, John |
DAR Ancestor Number: A066918 State of Service: NEW YORK Rank: PRIVATE Birth: 7/28/1743 Voluntown, Windham Co Connecticut Death: 8/27/1830 Cayuga Co New York Descendants arrived in Wisconsin in 2009 and settled in Brown County. * This profile does not constitute proof of lineage.
** Use the DAR Ancestor Number above to view the current profile in the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Genealogical Research System (GRS). |